Monday, February 18, 2013

24 karat GOLD!

Well, I guess it's been a while since there has been any new additions to the site.  I guess it's because I haven't been doing too much backing lately.  Or, is it because I always remember to take a picture AFTER the cake has been eaten!

I haven't done any elaborate cakes lately.  I am working on one for next Saturday.  Miss Talon is turning 6 and wants a Monster High cake.  So I have pulled out all the stops and am working on a spectacular cake for her birthday party.  Pics to surely follow.  Let's just say for now... the flavours include a raspberry jelly roll type cake (the raspberry filling decided to gravitate to the middle which resulted in a jelly roll filling type layer), chocolate and pink coloured cake!  I am hoping Talon loves it!

But on another note... there are certainly some new adventures unfolding in the world of Blissful Bites Bakery.  New horizons.  I won't get into the details right now, but the details will follow when they're ready. 

The new adventures have certainly peaked my interest and I am ready to dive in and start trying some new flavours and combinations of cakes and cupcakes. I would love to launch a whole drunken cupcake line... oh boy that will be fun!

The first of the new flavours started with the question to my husband... "I want to bake something new this weekend, what would you like?"  Without hesitation, "carrot cake!"

Believe it or not, with the flavours on my menu, carrot cake is nowhere to be found... until now.  I aimed to have a flavourful and moist cake.  If anyone knows me, I'm all about cake textures and moisture.  I hate nothing more than a dry cake!

So i made him a carrot cake... with my famous vanilla cream cheese frosting.  And with that, Travis was served a heaping slice of carrot cake.  His response... did not include words.  He more or less grunts in delight as he continues to chew...

So this one was a swing and a home run.  And of course, it was shared with my dear Jo at work... and she said that she didn't even like carrot cake!  And of course a slice went to my friend of Hands on Catering, who also enjoyed the GOLD!

I have included a pic... and it's not the greatest.  It was another incident of... "oh I should take a picture before there is none left!"  So the below picture is the last slice, that will surely be eaten within the next 30 minutes I'm sure!